For the responsible development of nanotechnology (Note Analysis 248 - November 2011)
The twenty-first century will he that of an industrial revolution - even living - driven by nanotechnology? From advances in knowledge of the matter at the scale of a billionth of a meter (10-9 m), and the ability to manipulate, nanotechnology has an extremely diverse, engaging a wide range of scientific disciplines within the physics, chemistry, biology or science and engineering.
- For the responsible development of nanotechnology (Note Analysis 248 - November 2011)
Discrete sources of developments and potentially disruptive technologies, they cover all industries and markets could generate considerable. If their development is recent (early 2000), many countries have invested heavily in R & D, engaging an intense international competition. But the uncertainties are up to the expectations based on these new technologies. Some applications, based on the use of nanomaterials, cause toxicity risks to human health and the environment.
Nanotechnology generations more advanced at the interface with biology or information technology, raise ethical questions, which need to be addressed prior to their dissemination. How to ensure a harmonious and coherent development of these technologies for the company? Among the answers, it is becoming increasingly clear that the quality of innovation depends on that of governance, and our ability to collectively oversee the development of nanotechnology.
- Nanotechnology: what do we speak?
- The international landscape of nanotechnology
- Concerns of various kinds
- Towards responsible development of nanotechnology
- Author: Aude Teiller, Sustainable Development Department
Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. 01 42 75 61 37 - jean-michel.roulle @