Dashboard "European public expenditure"
An aggregate view of public spending and comparative European
Table based on data relating to expenditure by the EU and all its member states in 2006 (last census year). These data were compared whenever possible to those collected for the USA, Canada, Japan and Switzerland.
What key lessons emerge?
- The overall level of European public expenditure (national expenditure and Community expenditure)?
- On the sectoral allocation of public spending?
- The allocation of public spending between Community and national level?
- On EU spending?
1.1 - Total public expenditure in the EU Overview
1.2 - Distribution of total public expenditure between national and Community levels
1.3 - Weight of "allocated Community expenditure" in the EU
2.1 - The European public expenditure by sector Overview
2.2 - Costs related to the "Competitiveness for growth and employment"
2.3 - Costs related to the "Cohesion for growth and employment"
2.4 - spending on "Conservation and management of natural resources"
2.5 - Expenditures from "Freedom, security and justice, citizenship and culture, health"
2.6 - Spending on 'External Relations'
Dashboard directed by Yves BERTONCINI , in charge of "Europe" and Amélie Barbier-GAUCHARD , Scientific Advisor, Department of Economic and Financial Affairs Center for Strategic Analysis.
Press contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé
Head of communications
01 42 75 61 37
The exercise of revision of the "financial framework" of the European Union scheduled by the European Council provides a unique opportunity to question the great desirable developments of the EU budget for 2013, without the position immediately exact nature of the political decisions to make, to deal in principle on the post 2013 period. This schedule is conducive to medium term the inclusion of analytical data as thorough as possible, and to better inform thinking and decision decisions of public authorities . In this perspective, it seems necessary to broaden the debate on the EU budget, taking into account expenses incurred by the EU Member States, sometimes invoked implicitly, but on which no systematic inventory exists at this day: it is this gap that this panel seeks to fill, to provide a useful assessment tool for policy makers and the wider intellectual community active on these issues.