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Dashboard of public employment

Dashboard of public employment


Faced with the growing deficit in public finances, the question of a possible "over-administration" is often raised in France. It concerns the levers that the government should focus: is it to put pressure on operating expenses or spending on transfer, knowing that the increasing weight of public expenditure is largely attributable to increased recent (including health and old age)?

The "dashboard Public employment" is to inform the level of "relative" of directors of France compared to some countries of the European Union and OECD. To do this, it compares the levels of government in terms of staff and public expenditures to the total population and in relation to economic activity. Finally, it examines the level of administration according to the evolution of different functions (education, health, welfare, etc..). This work mobilizes mainly data from the OECD and Eurostat ten to fifteen years (1991-1996-2005 or 2006). It leads to a first group on the basis of crossed-beam indicators.

Next planned update: October 2009

Les ressources


Centre d’analyse stratégique