Experience the best 2011 moments from the Centre d'analyse stratégique on video
Key issues, compelling questions and big names have followed one another over the course of a rich and diverse year. The work of the CAS in 2011 was built around one central question: how should sustainable growth for our economy that can serve employment at a time with scarce public resources be built?
The twelve months were wrapped around a pivotal event: “The International Seminar on Tomorrow's Growth”
By considering the question surrounding "what growth path to use" at a time when our economies are struggling to overcome the crisis, this conference was an opportunity to identify the drivers of future growth and in what direction the economic trade-off policies that will strengthen potential growth in France and Europe are headed.
In addition to the many videos from this conference, you can watch this short and informative graphic on the five growth scenarios for France by 2030.
Throughout 2011, the CAS has opened its doors for you. We have organized events with influential thinkers engaged in important work in the social sciences, economics or political reflection. Evoking current topics, “Les Rendez-vous du CAS” have sought to support the current public debate. These events have evoked moments of reflection from an informed public and high-level experts. Re-watching these videos is like traveling through a year of enriching reflections.
with Patrick Artus
by Jean-Robert Pitte
Monique Dagnaud
with Jean Baubérot
with Virginia Raisson
with Karine Berger and Valerie Rabault
On December 5th, “Etalab” launched a website, data.gouv.fr, where 325 000 public data sets are now available.
In partnership with the comission “Etalab”, the CAS organized a seminar on "New uses of the Internet, new governance for the state," which is still available on VOD.
Throughout the year, the CAS has made videos available on the various policy briefs and reports that we have published. We will continue doing this next year by promoting a "Livecast" or live broadcast at more of our events.
With the holidays approaching, it is important to remember that only one in two French had the opportunity to take time off from work in 2011. This short report recalls the main reasons.
Holiday or not, physical activity is a reoccurring New Year’s resolution and the CAS looked into how the French people could be encouraged to increase their physical activity.
Finally, to make you want to visit us throughout 2012, here is a guided tour of the beautiful rooms in the “Hotel de Vogue”. For the record, the Vogue family is known for having promoted the dissemination of works by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in France.
The CAS wishes you a happy holiday season and hopes to have the pleasure and honor of welcoming you at the CAS in 2012
Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. +33 (0)1 42 75 61 37 - jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr