VOD: “Les Rendez-vous du CAS” - France-Germany: the moment of truth
Video On Demand: a discussion with Bernard de Montferrand, author of : France-Allemagne : le moment de vérité.
On this side of the Rhine, Germany is hailed as a model of success. Although it was severely hit by the 2008 crisis, the country soon resumed to a sustainable level of growth and has had a balanced trade surplus and a restrained unemployment rate since. This book offers a thorough perspective of our neighbors and presents a long term analysis since the creation of the FRG in 1949 and up to the 2000s, a period which has been characterized by a divergence between France and Germany following the reforms by Mr. Schröder and Merkel. Is Germany truly a model thus far? Beyond the structural differences between our two countries, which consequently prevents the use of prefixed methods, the authors, who come from different point of views – one was the French ambassador to Germany until March 2011, the other is a business lawyer and historian – present a nuanced portrayal of our two countries. Germany demonstrates weaknesses (demographics, difficulties in integrating foreigners, and the temptation of isolationism provoked by parts of the population), whereas France has other advantages (demographic strength, defense, international statue).
Bernard de Montferrand, diplomat, France's Ambassador in Berlin between 2007 and 2011.
Jean-Louis Thieriot is a lawyer and historian. He is the author of several biographies: Franz Ferdinand of Austria, Margaret Thatcher, Stauffenberg.
VOD : France - Allemagne : le moment de vérité
Held each month, “les Rendez-vous du CAS” seeks to support the public debate by presenting major work in social science, economics or political thinking. It is also an ideal meeting place between researchers, senior experts, and the public interested in better understanding the major challenges of the XXI century.
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