29th Conference on Globalization - Globalization & Energy: in the direction of a new deal?
After more than a century and a half of abundance, low-cost energy is entering a inevitable period of higher prices. Hydrocarbons' weight in our trade balance as well as the threat of global warming lead us to reduce consumption and to adjust our growth models and our lifestyles. How the tradeoffs van be led in the context of an efficient and well-understood energy transition?
29th Conference on Globalization :
Globalization & Energy: in the direction of a new deal?
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Centre d'analyse stratégique - 18, rue de Martignac - 75007 Paris
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Energy systems are in principle determined by strategic choices for the 30 years our "mix" of energy. In this second decade of the twenty-first century, global energy map appears, however, evolving or changing certain: besides the renewal of oil and gas production in the United States, some countries have announced their intention to abandon nuclear while the use of solar and wind technologies increases. In parallel, production of unconventional gas raises great debate. How panorama of the supply and demand for energy has he? Facing long-term horizon in a prospective 20 years (2035), the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its report to the central scenario 2012, the observed trends are expected to continue today.Other scenarios are they possible?
China is more representative of an explosion in demand from emerging countries it accounts for only 33% of the increase in energy demand today according to the IEA. Far ahead of the United States, it is now the first country in the world energy-Its strong industrial growth and its demographic worldwide demand rely heavily originally for the Western powers, an increased dependence on imports energy, especially oil. China has embarked on a strategy to control the energy consumption of the domestic and multiplication of bilateral relations on the outside. Can it change the game world and with it the current geopolitical balances?
If the energy depends on geopolitics, it also affects development. Energy supply results in significant economic and social progress in developing countries and emerging markets. What is universal access to energy whose implementation in 2030 is supported by the European Union in its relations with third countries?
Facing the challenge of climate change, States must curb emissions of greenhouse gases. Energy transition seems necessary. In the long term, the EU continues to show his preference for competitiveness virtuous, that an economy produces less carbon and freed from excessive dependence on imported fossil fuels. This site is great in the short term and expensive and does not leave hope to benefit in the long term. So what is the most appropriate approach: an "energy mix" different in different regions of the world due to territorial anchors continue? Increased efforts towards sobriety means of transport? Priority given to energy efficiency in buildings? Beyond emerges putting into perspective the pattern of consumption, now for industrialized countries but also in the relatively short-term emerging markets. The time horizon determined by political decisions and the way to get there become critical to an energy transition economically and socially acceptable.
- Opening by Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre for Strategic Analysis
With, in order of appearance:
- Sophie MERITET, Senior Lecturer in Economics with HDR, a researcher at the Centre of Geopolitics of Energy and Raw Materials (CGEMP - Université Paris Dauphine)
Energy: Prospects in the world
- Emmanuel Lincot, sinologist and political scientist specializing in contemporary China, founder of the chair of contemporary Chinese studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris
China Energy Challenge
- Gilles PEREYRON, secretary of the International Non-Governmental Organization "Right to SOS Energy Future", member of the Economic and Social Council and environmental Rhône-Alpes
Universal access to energy: what levers?
- Patrick CRIQUI , Director of Research at CNRS, Laboratoire PACT-Edden, CNRS - Université de Grenoble
And the energy transition? Some thoughts globally
Conference chaired by Guillaume Duval, editor-in-chief of Alternatives économiques
Registrations are now closed
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Les ressources
- Programme du 29ème Rendez-vous de la Mondialisation [PDF]
- Rapport du groupe de travail présidé par Jacques Percebois "Énergies 2050" Rapports & Documents du Centre d'analyse stratégique [PDF]
- Jean-Michel Gauthier "Géopolitique : le nouvel ordre n'est pas encore, l'ancien n'est déjà plus", Géoéconomie, (2009/7 n° 51) [PDF]
- Sami Andoura, Leigh Hancher, Marc Van der Woude "Vers une communauté européenne de l'énergie" Études et Recherches (n° 76) de Notre Europe (juillet 2010) [PDF]
- Communiqué de la Commission européenne "Lancement européen de l'Année internationale de l'Énergie durable pour tous des Nations unies (7 février 2012) [PDF]
- "Transition énergétique : avis du CESE" Études & Documents du BIP (15 janvier 2013) [PDF]
- Laurence Raineau "Vers une transition énergétique ?" Natures Sciences Sociétés, (2011/2 Vol. 19) [PDF]
- Jean-Marc Jancovici "Les limites énergétiques de la croissance", Le Débat, (2012/4 n° 171) [PDF]
- "Gaz de schiste en Europe : analyse comparative dans 14 pays européens" note de "Benchmarking" de l'Institut Thomas More (n° 14/décembre 2012) [PDF]
- "Gaz de schiste, nucléaire, énergies renouvelables : les clés de la compétitivité énergétique" journal en ligne METIS, www.metiseurope.eu, 18 décembre 2012 [PDF]
- Les gaz non conventionnels : une révolution énergétique nord-américaine non sans conséquences pour l'Europe - Note d'analyse n° 215 (Mars 2011) [PDF]
- Jean-Paul Maréchal "La Chine prend-elle tout le monde de vitesse ?", Projet CERAS (n° 2012/1 n° 326) [PDF]
- Les publications des Rendez-vous de la mondialisation
- Conferences on Globalization