30th Conference on Globalization - Inequalities & Globalization
The relationship between globalization and inequality has a long history. This question comes up regularly in the public debate and leads us to wonder about the "winners" and "losers" of globalization.
30th Conference on Globalization
Inequalities & Globalization
Wednesday, June 12st - 5 to 7:30 pm
Amphithéatre Leroy-Beaulieu-Sorel
Sciences Po 27, rue St Guillaume - 75007 Paris
Click here to (re)watch this 30th Conference on Globalization
Living standards between countries living in the same society have to be separated. Thus, there is inequality between countries (international inequalities), inequality within countries between households and between men and women (internal inequalities) and those that combine the inequalities between countries and between households (global inequalities).
Beyond purely geopolitical considerations, there is a global awareness of inequalities. Public opinion consider more that globalization is mainly responsible for the rise in inequality, mainly those relating to income within each country. The available data do they reinforce this vision of a concentration of wealth taking place at the expense of social justice? Can we draw a path of long-term inequality in a globalized world? What will happen to the ability of developing countries to develop equal opportunities, promote appropriate governance and promote income redistribution? What is the poorest country?
Of inequality are multidimensional phenomena. Inequalities between men and women are therefore subject to enhanced focus on the grounds that their reduction is an essential lever for development that are in developing countries and in developed countries.
However, studies show that from a certain level, inequality can harm contrary to the dynamism of an economy. They then cause a decrease in consumption and predatory talents, crystallizing the social and political unrest. What weapons developed countries, which have already mobilized to varying degrees the tools of redistribution, they now have to reverse this process? Through the G20, a major offensive against tax havens was announced, involving cooperation of a new genre, initiated by the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. In a globalized world where the fiscal autonomy of a country is considered to be more limited, what room for maneuver?
- Opening with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Commissionner general for policy planning
With, in order of appearance :
- François BOURGUIGNON, director of studies of EHESS at Paris School of Economics (PSE), former director of PSE
"The global inequality: testing views and possible trajectories" - Françoise MILEWSKI, economist, policy officer by the president and co-head of programme research PRESAGE at OFCE
"Globalization: catalyst or brake inequalities between men and women? " - Alain TRANNOY, director of studies at l' EHESS, director of Aix-Marseille School of Economics
"Tackling inequalities with the tax weapon? "
Meeting chaired by: Noam LEANDRI, president of the Observatory of inequalities
Click here to (re)watch this 30th Conference on Globalization
Les ressources
- Conferences on Globalization
- CEPII's website