Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010 of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
- Presentation of the Strategic Analysis Centre
- The organization and resources
- The four sectoral departments
- The Centre for Future Studies and International Information
- The General Secretariat
- The network of public expertise
- Guidance Council for Employment
- Economic Analysis Council
- Retirement Guidance Council
- Board of analysis of society
- Presentation of the Strategic Analysis Centre
Economy-Finance Department
- Conditions for the emergence of sustainable growth
- Industrial Policy
- government reform and fiscal sustainability
- Public Incentives
Department of Sustainable Development
- Cancun or the invention of a new global climate cooperation
- Supervision of sales of agricultural assets to foreign investors in developing countries
- The gas security of the European Union
- The price volatility energy commodities and hydrocarbons
- What does the need for France to cut its emissions of greenhouse gases in the field of mobility?
Labour-Employment Department
- Preparing for post-crisis forecasts and forecasting on labor, employment, occupations and qualifications
- Employment - Continuing Education - Initial training (professional and higher): cross the approaches to better analyze the integration of young people
- Innovations / developments in the field of labor relations
- Employees in the business: new challenges for employers
Department of Social Affairs
- Strengthening social cohesion: from theory to practice
- Evaluate the performance of public health policies
- Meeting the Challenge of Aging
Cross-cutting issues
- Network Inter-ministerial monitoring and forecasting
- Group analysis of globalization