The Centre d'analyse stratégique held Monday, December 5, 2011 Seminar:
" The challenges facing our health care system are numerous. These include aging populations, the development of chronic diseases, unequal access to care and the high cost of new technologies. In mentioning this, I do not want draw up a blackboard in the situation, because our health care system also has many qualities.
However, we must continually ask ourselves about our organization provides care to make it both more efficient, cheaper and better. One particular challenge is the gradation of tender care, that is to say, the ability to provide proper care to each patient for each disease.
Beyond these challenges, if we try to project ourselves in the medium term, we intend to examine, on the occasion of this seminar, which may significantly change in the organization of care systems in the coming years .
Two approaches seem particularly relevant to address this issue. The first is cooperation between health professionals, and specifically the role and responsibility that can be attributed to each specialty or to each according to his level of professional training. The second is the role of new information technologies and communication in the development of supply and the health care system.
In both areas, some countries are ahead of France, like the Scandinavian countries. Cooperation, some have gone very far in the specialization of roles between different health professionals. Regarding the binomial "doctor-nurse", some countries have adopted a distribution of tasks to propose a new form of support provided by nurses, both in routine care and monitoring of chronic illnesses.
In France, these approaches remain relatively marginal because they face numerous obstacles. As for professionals, compensation patterns, practices and professional identities are sticking points. For example, the shift from pricing in the act to a flat rate raises many questions. Cultural issues and professional identity must also be addressed. As for patients, fears are a general decline in quality of care and the development of a multi-tiered medicine.
Several tracks can be followed to improve the efficiency of the healthcare system. top three are the establishment of multidisciplinary structures for cooperation, the legal recognition of new missions for the professionals involved and the evolution of compensation models and training. "
Vincent Chriqui, Director General of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
For more information:
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Sylvain Lemoine Head of the Social Affairs Department
Tel. +33 (0) 1 42 75 60 40 sylvain.lemoine@strategie.gouv.fr
Press Contact :
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Jean-Michel Roullé Head of Communications
Tel. +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37 jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr
Les ressources
- Note d'analyse 204 - Médecine de ville : quelles nouvelles pratiques pour quels gains d’efficience ?
- Note d'analyse 181 - Y a-t-il encore des marges d’efficience à l’hôpital ?
- Note d'analyse 171 - Combien les Français sont-ils prêts à consacrer aux dépenses de santé ?
- Notes d'analyse 166/167 - Nouvelles approches de la prévention en santé publique