The European Digital Agenda - Policy Brief 223
Policy Brief 223 - The European Digital Agenda (May 2011)
- The Digital Agenda: areas for action
- The Digital Agenda: Implementation and governance
- Full part of France in the implementation of the Digital Agenda
With an annual turnover of 660 billion euros, the information technology and communication (ICT) represent 5% of gross domestic product (GDP) European . Over the last twenty years, they accounted for half of the increase in productivity gains in Europe. In addition to these effects directly measurable, ICT development has many implications for society: the methods of communication, the process of content creation and trade relations have been deeply upset.
The European Union (EU) has done the numeric one of seven major areas that constitute Europe 2020 . Entitled "A Digital Agenda for Europe" and organized by the Digital Agenda, this axis, adopted May 31, 2010, emphasizes the difficulty of the enterprise to evolve into a European who is primarily an aggregation of national markets. It's objective is to create a digital single market based on broadband internet and interoperable applications.
This strategy is intended to affect the 500 million people of the Union and to immediately give international status to companies that will involve . It is important that all the French players in the digital, particularly businesses, to seize and take advantage of industrial opportunities that are created across the EU. The success of the European Digital Agenda will be the best thing about the EU in the coming discussions within global forums of the G8 and G20.
- Authors: Cyril Riffaud , Joël Hamelin and Dominique Auverlot , Sustainable Development Department of the Center for Strategic Analysis.
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Jean-Michel Roullé
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