France Attractivess Scoreboard (2012 edition)
For the third consecutive year, the Strategic Analysis Centre , the French Agency for International Investment , Direction General of the Treasury and the Interministerial Delegation for Regional Planning and Regional Attractiveness publish
France Attractivess Scoreboard
This document allows to assess the ability of France to attract employment-generating activities from two broad categories of quantitative indicators:
- performance indicators, including measuring the volume, nature and impact of foreign investment received in France;
- indicators relating to key determinants of location choices of economic activities and individuals.
For each of these indicators, France is compared to 13 other countries : 10 European countries including the level of GDP / capita is among the highest, or whose market size is comparable to that of France (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden), Poland (countries of Eastern Europe which enjoys central positioning) and the two major economic players such as the United States and Japan.
The data collected in this paper show that the terms of attractiveness in France is the first global positions of host countries of foreign investment . With $ 40 billion, France and in 2011, the ninth host of foreign direct investment in the world. It appears in the European trio head for the reception of foreign investments that create jobs. Subsidiaries of foreign groups account for a significant and stable manufacturing activity (more than 30% of the value added and a quarter of the employee).
The analysis of the determinants of attractiveness highlights the many strengths of our territory , which benefits from its geographical position in Europe, the size of the domestic market, the quality of its infrastructure, skills and productivity its workforce, the quality of its education system and its environment.
These benefits can not be taken for granted: in an international environment characterized by increasing mobility of international capital and talent and increased competition between economies, particularly in Europe, these assets should be consolidated. pact for growth, competitiveness and employment, which has been announced by the Government will move in this direction.