The international mobility of health professionals alters the functioning of health care systems. What are the challenges for the French system of increased movement of professionals and students?
France, unlike other countries, has not opted for an active recruitment abroad to increase its health system human resources. For example, only 7.4% of doctors in France have a diploma obtained abroad, against 30% in the United Kingdom.
However, the number of professionals trained abroad and working in France is increasing, especially in unattractive locations , rural or in the suburbs, as well as disciplines or professions that lack human resources.
Mobility, facilitated in the context of free movement within the European Union (EU) has an impact on the health systems of recipient countries as well as countries of origin, in terms of regulation, quality of access to care . It is therefore crucial to better manage the working mobility of health professionals. Meanwhile, facilitate abroad training for students and professionals could benefit France and its partners, and participate in building a European health area .
- The French health care system and the migration of health professionals: overall independence, local dependence
- Qualified professionals outside of the European Union: how to clarify their status and encourage the exchange of best practices?
- Qualified professionals in Europe: how to optimise job mobility and encourage training mobility ?
- Author: Mathilde Reynaudi, Department Social Issues
Keywords: health professionals, international mobility, training, diploma abroad, recruitment, medical demography.