Jean Pisani-Ferry appointed Commissioner General for Policy Planning
Jean Pisani-Ferry was named Commissioner General for Policy Planning by the Council of Ministers of April, 24th 2013.
Jean Pisani-Ferry was named Commissioner General for Policy Planning by the Council of Ministers of 24 April 2013.
After serving as President Delegate of the Council of Economic Analysis, then founding and heading the think tank Bruegel since 2005, Jean Pisani-Ferry is now responsible for coordinating the new Policy Planning whose creation was announced at the French Social Conference last summer.
The Prime Minister has chosen a man with an international background and from the world of research and economic debate.
The French Economic Policy Planning (CGSP), an institution desired by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, replaces the Centre for Strategic Analysis.
Jean-Marc Ayrault said that he "expects the new Commissioner to be ambitious. He must take a fresh look at the economy and society, reveal the public choices without any concessions, and lead a challenging and creative dialogue with the social partners and civil society." This shall be the role of the Commissioner General for Policy Planning.
Supported by a new ambition, a transversal place for dialogue and reflection, the CGSP will focus on:
- Updating the social and economic planning strategy so as to inform the government about the possible medium-and long-term trajectories for France in economic, social, cultural and environmental matters.
- Giving renewed vigour to the dialogue with social partners and develop dialogue with the players in civil society.
Jean Pisani-Ferry, who has taken office on 1st May, said: "I believe in ideas, and I think these ideas are in the dialogue. Our mission combines advice to the government on one side and consultation and public debate on the other. These two aspects are very complementary."
The CGSP will network with eight specifically oriented organisations: the Council of Economic Analysis, the Retirement Guidance Council, the Employment Guidance Council, the High Family Council, the High Council for the Future of Health Insurance, the High Council for the Financing of Social Protection, the National Industry Council, and the Centre of Prospective Studies and International Information.
The CGSP will work in a transparent manner, particularly through the publication on its website of documents to monitor the progress of its work.
* Established by Decree No. 2013-333 from April, 22th, 2013