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A new approach to mobility in suburban and rural areas (Policy Brief 262 - February 2012)

A new approach to mobility in suburban and rural areas (Policy Brief 262 - February 2012)


In everyday life, people who live in suburban and rural areas are still very much dependent on their private cars, an expensive expenditure. By looking at the reasons for using the car, such as getting between residential areas and work or other services could decrease to what extent these areas depend on cars. However, this can only be planned for on a longer term. Public transportation, which is well developed in dense cities, appears as neither a convincing nor appropriate alternative to the car in these areas.

  • A new approach to mobility in suburban and rural areas

Rethinking mobility and car use in these areas requires an extensive understanding of the importance of local travel. Solutions include using the full potential of information technology, developing new unique ways to use and share cars for work, and organizing a life based on shorter travels.

So that new methods can develop, those who use cars should be involved in developing alternatives to private cars by relying on communities for local initiatives (companies, organizing, local life, etc..) and mobilize professionals that can introduce adequete methods of transportation on the market and that can meet all demands and needs.


  • Areas facing higher energy costs
  • While many possible solutions still exists, initiatives are still scattered
  • New approaches to enable changes in scale
  • Define local strategies
  • Inform users in real time
  • Develop systems for car-sharing
  • Coordinate models
  • Structure displacements
  • Authors: Christine Raynard, with the help of Francois Vielliard, Department of Sustainable Development.
    Olivier Paul-Dubois-Taine, Honorary Engineer of the Highways and president of the mission

Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. + 33 (0)1 42 75 61 37 -


Centre d’analyse stratégique