The development times are critical to the articulation of professional life and private life. Today, they often boil down to part-time, which can influence the career paths of their beneficiaries and perpetuate the unequal division of labor between women and men.
- New labor organizations combining equal male / female and business performance
They should rethink to meet societal changes (increasing involvement of fathers, development of dual-earner couples and single parents) and the challenges of transforming the business organization. However, innovation in work organization has often been detrimental to the joint work / family of employees, as shown in the development of atypical hours.
But foreign examples show that practices benefit both the employer and employees may emerge: abandonment of the traditional time reference work, annualized hours, compressed weeks, job sharing, scheduling atypical, telecommuting, etc.. The equality at work is progressing when companies can seize the challenges of reconciling family life / work and work organization for men and women into a strategic factor productivity.
- Trends at work in the economy and society call for a new relationship between work and private life
- Innovative practices balancing the interests of the employee (s) and employer
- Author: Vanessa Wisnia-Weill, Social Issues Department
Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Phone: +33 (0)1 42 75 61 37 - jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr