Policy Brief 213 - From Kyoto to Durban: the invention of a new cooperation climate (February 2011)
Kyoto in Durban: the invention of a new cooperation climate (February 2011)
- The concrete results of Cancun
- A revived international climate governance: the Cancun agreement is part of the logic outlined in the Copenhagen conference
- The priorities for the next climate talks
The Cancun agreement, signed in December 2010, follows the logic outlined in the previous year at the Copenhagen conference and away more and more of the Kyoto Protocol. The text recognizes the need to contain the rise in global average temperature to 2 ° C, founds new instruments of international solidarity and notes as targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions proposed by countries developed by 2020 as climate policies initiated by developing nations.
This agreement has the great merit of reviving the UN climate cooperation. Unfortunately, the current state promises are not enough to guarantee the preservation of our climate system.
If the challenge more realistic for the next meeting in late 2011 in Durban is to operationalize this architecture "bottom up", the main challenge for future negotiations will be to get countries to address themselves to the level of effort . Another long-term priority is to define the principles of a new global agreement and to devise effective economic tools that could accelerate the fight against climate change, in the absence of a single global carbon price. Finally, the Durban conference should prepare instrument sustainability from "Kyoto era" after 2012, especially those used to offset GHG emissions through actions in developing countries.
- Authors: Dominique Auverlot and Blandine Barreau , Department of Sustainable Development, Centre for Strategic Analysis.
Press contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé
Communications Manager
Tel. +33 (0)1 42 75 61 37 - 06 46 55 38 38
Les ressources
- Policy Brief 261 - Rio + 20: Time of ecological realism?
- Note d'analyse 203 - Un enjeu de Cancun
- Report - Economic instruments in the service of climate
- Innovative financing the service climate (Policy Brief 252 - November 2011)
- U.S. climate policy (Policy Brief 250 - November 2011)