"Ageing societies: a challenge for public policy." France-Germany: Frames
In partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), the Centre d'analyse stratégique has organized the symposium on "The aging of societies in France and Germany: a challenge for public policy" June 29, 2011.
This symposium is based on two reports of the Center for Strategic Analysis:
- Live together any longer. Challenges and opportunities for public action of the aging French population (work coordinated by Gimbert and C. V. Godot, July 2010, French Documentation)
- The challenges of supporting the great age. International perspectives to inform the debate on addiction (work coordinated by V. and G. Gimbert Malochet).
French and German companies are, though in different terms with respect to their demographic characteristics, both face the challenge of aging populations. The objective of this conference is to shed light on changes in renewed financial balances, economic and social issues related to this challenge and to draw consequences for policy.
Faced with an aging, three main challenges ahead:
- the effects of aging on control of public finances (Session 1): Beyond the deficit accounts, how to interpret recent reforms of pension systems as well as wider social protection in France and Germany?
- its consequences on employment and the functioning of the labor market (Session 2): live longer in good health, it is also potentially stay active longer. This assumes, however, a mutation in the labor market and an overhaul of the management of professional careers.
- its impact on intergenerational solidarity through the example of the management of frailty ("dependence" in France / "Pflege" in Germany) (Session 3): the pivot generation is constrained and requires an specific support in his task of helping, especially regarding the reconciliation of family and professional life. This calls for reflection on the relationship between public and private solidarity around the management of addiction.
Aging is a process with multiple outcomes and contrasted. And take it as a constraint, the risk is high that the reforms to address them lead to unsustainable adjustments. It can also be seen as a challenge and possibly as an opportunity.
For more information:
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Sylvain Lemoine , Head of the Social Affairs Department
Tel. +33 (0) 1 42 75 60 40 - sylvain.lemoine@strategie.gouv.fr
Press Contact :
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Roullé Jean-Michel , Head of Communications
Tel. +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37 - jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr