Report - Energy 2050
On October 19th 2011, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and the Digital Economy asked professor Percebois Jacques at the University of Montpellier 1, to chair a pluralistic and open commission, with Claude Mandil, former executive director of the International Energy Agency and vice president of the advisory group "energy roadmap 2050" with the European Commission, as Vice President, to conduct an analysis of possible energy policy scenarios for France in 2050.
Accordingly, the Ministry had hoped that the project would cover all energies and in particular examine four options for changing power supply in France: continuing existing nuclear reactors, accelerating the transition to third generation nuclear, or even fourth generation, gradually reducing nuclear power and even completely stopping the use of nuclear power.
This analysis serves to inform the multiannual investment program that the Ministry of Energy will present to Parliament in 2013 and whose main objective is to identify desirable investments in the energy sector with regard to securing energy supply. It will measure the program's energy savings and mix diversification introduced by the “Grenelle Environment Forum”, which has been an important achievement for the environment, and which will increase the strength of this mix.
Despite the broad and complex topics, the commission had a particularly short deadline: based on the mission letter the final report was to be presented to the Ministry before January 31, 2012. Supported by six highly qualified members who were willing to start working immediately, the commission was inaugurated by the minister Thursday, October 20th 2011 and met eight times. A list of people participating, either in plenary or only in hearing, is attached.
To carry out its work, the President was joined by a team of researchers co-lead by the Directorate General for Energy and Climate and Centre d’analyse stratégique and with support from “IFP”, “CEA”, and the General Direction of the Treasury
Recommendation 1 : make energy moderation and efficiency a great national cause; initiate calls for proposals to mobilize R & D and innovation in this area by focusing on construction and transportation sectors.
Recommendation 2 : evaluate the cost and effect on public finances, trade balances, CO2 emissions and employment (in both job positions and qualifications created) for each energy policy decision by comparing this cause with other policies in order to determine what policies should be prioritized.
Recommendation 3 : prohibit administrative closures of nuclear plants that have not been affected based on the “ASN” regulation.
Recommendation 4 : ourageously engage in a policy of truth, that is to say, higher prices for energy and CO2 emissions by treating each case specifically and differently.
Recommendation 5 : initiate a comprehensive review of market rules for energy with our main European partners: this market must allow the necessary investments to fing financing, especially for investments that focus on the tilting points and that ensure consistent decisions by the different actors.
Recommendation 6 : consider an initiative for and international harmonization of nuclear safety rules and practices in order to bring these rules and practices to the most secure level possible.
Recommendation 7 : maintain or increase public research efforts in the energy field and maintain international cooperation by giving priority to programs implemented jointly by public labs and innovative companies, either large and small that can manage the global market. Renewable energy and energy storage should be prioritized.
Recommendation 8 : a target energy share of nuclear power should not be set for the future because it could jeopardize development. Instead, the long term perspective for the industry should be maintained by continuing to develop generation 4 nuclear power. Extending the life of the current nuclear plants seems to be the best solution (under the condition that the “ASN” has authorized it).
- President : Jacques Percebois
Vice President : Claude Mandil
Reporters : Domique Auverlot and Richard Lavergne
Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tél. 01 42 75 61 37 - jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr