Seminar: Structures and trends for the university landscape in OECD countries
As part of the seminar series: What should the university landscape in France be in 2025?
Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre d'analyse stratégique and Patrick Hetzel, Director of "l’enseignement supérieur et l’insertion professionnelle" hosted the seminar (session 1):
Structure and landscape patterns in the academic environment of the OECD countries: what lessons should France learn from?
Monday, March 5, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Centre d'analyse stratégique - 18, rue de Martignac - 75007 Paris
in partnership with educpros.fr
Educational sectors are facing various challenges: economic issues, to the extent that there is a direct relationship between the wealth of a country and its investment in the education system; social issues, imbalances in the regulation of unequal access to knowledge; legal issues in finding a balance between the protection of new knowledge and research and its conditions for unrestricted development.
At the heart of these issues are the higher education systems, in particular the creators and the users, who have become an important factor in public policy. This seminar will provide an update on major trends of higher education systems in the OECD.
There have been several reforms to the French higher education system: access to higher education to as many people as possible, more collaboration between universities, colleges and research organizations that were seen as separate institutions for decades, a shift from a state-regulated system to an open system initiated by various institutions and the surroundings based on evaluations and narrower goals.
How do we incorporate these features with the trends of other OECD countries, and what effect do they induce for France? What lessons can be learned from these trends in France in terms of drawing inspiration or in terms of uncovering elements that should be maintained in the French system?
2:30 p.m. - Introduction
Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre d’analyse stratégique
2:45 p.m. - The trends of higher education in OECD countries
"Higher education in the service of the knowledge society: Trends and Scenarios until 2025"
Stephan Vincent Lancrin, Project Leader, OECD
Debate with the audience
3:35 p.m. - What lessons for the evolution of universities in France?
Moderator: Pierre-Francois Mourier, Deputy Director of the Center d'analyse stratégique
- Lesley Wilson, Secretary General of the European University Association, EUA
- Christine Musselin, Research Director, Director, Centre for the Sociology of Organizations (CSO-Sciences Po)
- Jean-Marc Schlenker, Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of the Law on Rights and Responsibilities of Universities (LRU)
- Françoise Guégot, Member for Seine-Maritime
- Louis Vogel, President of the Conference of University Presidents (CPU)
Debate with the audience
5:15 p.m. - Conclusion
Patrick Hetzel, Director General for Higher Education and Employability
- For more information:
Center for Strategic Analysis
Mohamed Harfi, Department of Labour and Employment
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 63 26 Mohamed.harfi@strategie.gouv.fr
Directorate General for Higher Education and professional integration
Sophie Champeyrache, Cell Engineering Project
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 55 55 65 55 sophie.champeyrache@education.gouv.fr
- Press Contact:
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Roullé Jean-Michel, Head of Communications
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37 jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Cécile Corradin, head of press division
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 55 55 99 12 cecile.corradin@recherche.gouv.fr
Seminar Series: What should the university landscape in France be in 2025?
in partnership with educpros.fr
- Opening Session: March 5, 2012
Structure and trends in higher education landscape OECD countries: what lessons should France learn from?
- Session 2: April 11, 2012
University Research in 2025
- Session 3: May 2012
Training offered at universities in 2025
- Session 4: June 2012
Student life at universities in 2025
- Session 5: July 2012
Universities and the world of public decision
- Closing conference: October 2012
"The University and globalization: what is the landscape for 2025?"
Les ressources
- Programme du séminaire [PDF]
- Programme du Cycle de séminaires - Quel paysage universitaire en France à l'horizon 2025 ?
- Séance 1 - Structure et tendances du paysage universitaire dans les pays de l'OCDE : quels enseignements pour la France ?
- Enseignement supérieur : les grandes tendances - Olivier Lefebvre
- L’enseignement supérieur au service de la société de la connaissance : tendances et scénarios à l’horizon 2025 - Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin
- L’égalité femmes-hommes à l’université française - Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
- L'enseignement professionnel initial dans le supérieur (Note d'analyse 260 - Janvier 2012)
- Le financement de l'enseignement supérieur
- Note de veille 169 - Analyse : L'avenir de la formation professionnelle des jeunes
- Rediffusion vidéo du Colloque : L’Université dans le monde
- Document d'appui méthodologique : Construire une carte régionale des formations : outils, méthodes et enjeux pour la formation initiale
- En partenariat avec educpros.fr