Seminar: University research in 2025
As part of the seminar series:
What should the university landscape be in France until 2025? (Session 2)
Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centr d'analyse stratégique and Jean-Louis Mucchielli, Director for "Higher Education and Professional Integration" are pleased to invite you to the seminar
University research in 2025
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Centre d’analyse stratégique - 18, rue de Martignac - 75007 Paris
After the opening session, which was devoted to a discussion of the major trends in higher education in OECD countries and the position of France in its international environment, this session focuses on the drivers behind the education-centered society: research and the factors promoting economic growth based on innovation.
Several actors do research in France, in both public and private sectors. They operate in an open and competitive international context. Research is also cooperative, particularly within Europe.
Looking at university research until 2025 implies analyzing ways to strengthen the position and specificity of research based on recent developments. It is also important to look at the challenges and modalities research faces and how it should interact with other factors and agents: what is basic research? What are its roles, what are the types of cooperation and partnerships between the universities and other public and private actors? How valuable is research? What are the methods to finance research?
A society’s ability to innovate is based on the creativity of its citizens and universities also play an important role in effectuating this. The creation and dissemination of knowledge are closely realted and, to varying degrees, they are backed by the structure of the university curriculum, known as “LMD”. What concrete conclusions can be drawn from teaching and research missions, the methods, the competencies expected of students and available assessments?
What alliance should be created between education, research and innovation in order to make the university a source of growth in 2025?
Sign up for free for the seminar before April 9
2 p.m. - Arrival
2:30 p.m. - Introduction
Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
- Christian Saint-Etienne, Professor, Chair of Industrial Economics at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts
Global competition Knowledge
- Mohammed Harfi, Project Manager, Strategic Intelligence Unit, Centre d'analyse stratégique
Recent research systems
- Didier Houssin, President of the Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, AERES
Research at the University in France: diagnostic elements
Debate with the audience
4 p.m. - What developments will univeristy research experience until 2025?
- Jean Marc Rapp, Former President of the European University Association (EUA)
Driver that stimulate excellence
- Roger Genet, Director of Research and Innovation
Public-private partnerships (a public perspective)
- Denis Randet , Delegate General of the National Association of Research and Technology (ANRT)
Public-private partnerships (a private perspective)
- John Keiger, Professor of International History, Associate Dean of Research, College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Salford
- Didier Houssin, President of the Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (SSH)
Debate with the audience
5:15 p.m. - Conclusion
Sign up for free for the seminar before April 9
- For more information:
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Mohamed Harfi, Strategic Intelligence Unit
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 63 26
Directorate General for Higher Education and professional integration
Sophie Champeyrache, cell engineering project
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 55 55 65 55
- Press Contact:
Centre d'analyse stratégique
Roullé Jean-Michel, Head of Communications
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Cécile Corradin, head of press division
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 55 55 99 12
Seminar Series: What university landscape in France in 2025?
in partnership with
- Opening Session: March 5, 2012
Structure and trends in higher education for the university landscape in OECD countries: what lessons should France learn from?
- Session 2: April 11, 2012
University research in 2025
- Session 3: May 2012
Training offered at universities in 2025
- Session 4: June 2012
Student Life at universities in 2025
- Session 5: July 2012
Universities and the world of public decision
- Closing conference: October 2012
Universities and globalization: what is the landscape for 2025?
Les ressources
- Programme du séminaire [PDF]
- Séance 1 - Structure et tendances du paysage universitaire dans les pays de l'OCDE : quels enseignements pour la France ?
- En partenariat avec
- Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche