Seminar: What is the future for the decentralization of social policies?
As part of the seminar series: "Social cohesion by its actors", Sabine Fourcade, Ministry of Social Affairs, and Vincent Chriqui, Director of Centre d'analyse stratégique organized the seminar:
Thursday, April 12, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Centre d'analyse stratégique
18, rue de Martignac – Paris 7ème
This session concludes the second round of seminars on "The Actors of Social Cohesion" and will present both comparisons and forecastings.
How can foreign examples add to our reflections on the future social cohesion policy governance? International comparisons show a relatively small number of intervention levels but they also have different degrees of autonomy. How can these different balances inspire thoughts about the future of decentralization of social policies in France?
Please send contact information and organization to Daniele Vidal
email: daniele.vidal@strategie.gouv.fr
or telephone: +33 (0) 1 42 75 63 13
2 p.m. - Welcome
2:30 p.m. - Introduction
Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
Sabine Fourcade, Ministry of Social Affairs
2:50 p.m. - The French system of decentralized social policies: an overview
- Jean-Bernard Auby, Professor of Public Law at Sciences-Po, Director of the Chair "Mutations of public action and public law", Honorary President of the French association of local government law
3:10 p.m. - What types of social policies are use to govern in Europe?
- Luk Van Langenhove, Director of the United Nations University on Comparative Regional Integration institute Studies (UNU-CRIS)
- Renate Reiter, Researcher, Fakultät für Kultur-und Sozialwissenschaften, Fernuniversität Hagen (Germany)
Debate with the audience
3:50 p.m. - Scenarios from European findings
Is there an optimal level of transfer of social skills (in terms of services rendered to the user, stakeholder coordination, organization of local finances)? To answer this important question, the speakers will present elements based on findings in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Italy.
- Colin Copus, Professor, Department of Public Policy, De Montfort University and Director of the Local Governance Research Unit (Leicester, UK)
- John Tomaney, Professor, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University (UK)
- Low Denters, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Twente (Netherlands)
- Alberto Lucarelli, Professor of Public Law at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
Debate with the audience
5:20 p.m. -
- Jean-Jacques de Peretti, State Councillor, Mayor of Sarlat-la-Caneda (Dordogne) Presentation of his report on the clarification of responsibilities of local authorities: "The freedom to organize how they act", submitted to the President of the Republic (2011)
- Lemouzy Laurence, Director of Institute of Decentralization, Director of the journal Social Powers
- For more information:
• Centre d'analyse stratégique :
Sylvain Lemoine, Head of Social Affairs sylvain.lemoine@strategie.gouv.fr Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 60 40
• Ministry of Social Affairs:
Christophe Fourel, Head of strategic analysis and prospective christophe.fourel@social.gouv.fr Tel. : +33 (0) 1 40 56 82 16
- Press Contacts:
• Centre d'analyse stratégique
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications jean-michel.roulle@strategie.gouv.fr Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37
• Ministry of Social Affairs:
Marie-Louise Carémil, External Communications dgcs-com@social.gouv.fr Tel. : +33 (0) 1 40 56 85 28
Les ressources
- Programme du séminaire [PDF]
- Programme complet du cycle de séminaires : "La cohésion sociale par ses acteurs"
- Séance 1 : 30 ans de décentralisation : les politiques sociales répondent-elles mieux à l'évolution des besoins ?
- Séance 2 : Lutter contre l'exclusion sociale : comment mieux coordonner les différents niveaux territoriaux ?
- Séance 3 : Quel rôle pour les entreprises dans la promotion de la cohésion sociale ?
- Séance 4 : Élus, dirigeants et travailleurs sociaux. Comment agir ensemble ?
- Séance 5 : Usagers, acteurs associatifs, puissance publique : comment mettre le dialogue civil au service des politiques de cohésion sociale ?
- Le site du cycle de séminaires “La cohésion sociale par ses acteurs”