Each month the Department of Social Affairs at the Centre d'analyse stratégique offers a selection of information, innovation and experimentation from abroad.
This overview does not suggest that implementation of these policies would necessarily be relevant in a French domestic context. It consists of subjective choices made by staff members of the department as part of their research and their meetings. It can spark interest, caution or rejection. The goal is first and foremost to help steer the debate on the future of our social model.
"Abusivo? Non ti voto "(" Not allowed? You will not have my vote "). In Italy, a bipartisan blog was started based on the initiative of young representatives from Pd (Partito Democratico - left) and Pdl (Popolo della libertà - right) to denounce illegal postering practiced by political parties. They emphasize in particular that besides being beyond the law, these posters contribute to a tense political climate and debates of poor quality. They are also environmentally unsound, they spoil the Italian cities and they hurt businesses when their advertisements are covered with political posters. Since no fines are paid and since they are displayed at every street corner like wild flowers, all citizens, regardless of their political affiliation, are asked to submit photos of posters they come across to the blog. The movement has called on mayors to enforce penalties and increase fines, among other things. The weekly L'Espresso, which is associated with the initiative, will publish the photos and the names of politicians involved.
- Source: the weekly L'Espresso, 16/04/12
You can naturally add to this overview by sending any information you consider relevant to the following contact: Sylvain Lemoine, Head of the Department of Social Affairs: sylvain.lemoine@strategie.gouv.fr