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Study - Glass Ceiling: determinants of career advancement of female executives

Study - Glass Ceiling: determinants of career advancement of female executives



Women still face many difficulties in their professional advancement. commissioned this study to analyze the firm Plein Sens careers of women who have reached the highest levels of corporate governance and highlights the determinants of this rise successful.

Two major types of career advancement are highlighted: the well-marked paths through initial training in high school and by ascending careers in large bodies and large corporations; less linear trajectories, marked by greater changes in businesses and functions, and less prestigious school curricula.

To summarize, some break the glass ceiling and bypass others, but all have internalized. If the determinants of women's access to the highest positions in companies are known (schooling, ownership of organizational norms, personal and professional support, total availability), how women rally draws a landscape of different strategies, most traditional standards for social and organizational most innovative, which can be a catalyst for change in business and society, without directly challenging the organizational functioning of companies in which they exercise their functions.

  • Keywords: professional equality, glass ceiling, officers liability, business, career, woman


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