Symposium – Why and how to regulate medical practices?
Jean Pisani-Ferry, Commissioner general for policy planning and Didier Tabuteau, Head of the health Chair of Sciences Po Paris are pleased to invite you to the symposium :
Wednesday, June 5th 2013 from 9am to 4:30 pm
Sciences Po – Amphithéâtre Chapsal
27 rue Saint-Guillaume - 75007 Paris
Issue at the intersection of freedom of prescription, care's quality and control costs, supervision of medical practice has long been perceived as a fundamental lever for improving the efficiency of the health system. The change in practice has been the subject of numerous recommendations and regulations, including successive laws of social security funding .
However, much room for improvement remain, regarding observed geographic disparities.
How to make medical prescription and implementation more pertinent? That is the question that will bei debated during this conference
- 9h00 – Introduction
Hervé MONANGE, Deputy Director of the "Commissariat" of Policy Planning
Didier TABUTEAU, Head of the health Chair of Sciences Po
- 9:30 – Round table 1 : Practices disparities of health professionals: which realities?
Administrative data on the actions and prescriptions help highlight disparities in medical practices. These differences can be explained by the health of the local population but also for reasons relating to the local supply combined with individual factors. What conclusion can we draw from practices variations today?
With :
Dominique POLTON, Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés
France VRIJENS, Centre fédéral d'expertise des soins de santé, Belgique
Francis BONNET, Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation
René MORNEX, Académie de médecine (to confirm)
- Discussion
- Pause
- 11:15 – Round table 2 : What tools to supervise practices, with what effect?
The analysis of practices disparities has resulted in many countries to adopt regulations to modify the behavior of actors. Control modes are numerous. They can go from simple information professionals about best practices to the necessary prior approval of their prescriptions by outside agencies, like the mechanisms of "pre-authorization" set up by insurers in the United States. What strategies are carried out in France? What conclusions can we do?
Marie GROSSET, Conseil d’État
Gérard REACH, Hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny
Bruno TOUSSAINT, Revue Prescrire
Un représentant du Collectif Interassociatif Sur la Santé
- Discussion
- 12:45 – Free lunch
- 14:00 – Round Table 3: How to evaluate at best the medical practices?
To better understand the differences between practices and then reduce them, it is necessary to evaluate them better. This assessment, to be effective, should not be isolated but be linked to a training effort intensified in the health system approach. What are the underlying tools? From associations and foreign examples, what innovative devices could we imagine?
Jacques LUCAS, Conseil national de l'ordre des médecins
Guy BOUDET, Direction générale de l'offre de soins
Una LANE, General Medical Council, Royaume-Uni
Mathieu ESCOT, UFC-Que Choisir
- 16:00 – Conclusion
Jean-François GIRARD, President of PRES Sorbonne Paris-Cité