Transport Overview n° 49
Overview n°49 by Christine Raynard, Department of Sustainable Development (DDD)
In 2010 an amphibious bus, "Amfibus" was piloted in Scotland by the transport company Stagecoach. With a capacity of fifty passengers, it consisted of a bus chassis and had a hull so that it can float. Its maximum speed was 95 km / h on road and 8 knots on water.
The aim was that this amphibious bus replaces a ferry between Renfrew to Yoker (near Glasgow). Its price was 700,000 pounds (801,000 euros). But, because of suspension problems, the tests were not conclusive and the project was abandoned.
However, the idea was taken up by the Netherlands and the "Floating Dutchman", the first amphibious bus was unveiled in July in Amsterdam.
This bus is intended for travelers in transit at Schiphol airport, wanting to make a quick tour of the city. 2:45 The circuit is made on the road between the airport and Amsterdam (eight miles), then cruise on the canals and back to Schiphol, for a price of 39 euros.
With a capacity of 48 seats, electric bus that runs through the transparent roof to 198 batteries that are recharged during operation on earth.
2) Smart embarked on the production of electric bike and currently at the motor show in Frankfurt the "smart ebike."
It is equipped with LED lighting and an innovative drive system: the "pedelec" (Pedal Electric Cycle). The engine starts when the first pedal stroke and the rider can choose one of four power levels, by pressing a button on the dial. During braking, the motor power is automatically turned off and the energy recovered.
The lithium battery has a range of 100 kilometers and can be recharged either by pedaling or by plugging into an outlet.
Designed for the city, the "smart ebike" can run up to 25 km / h and has a USB port for connecting a "smartphone". It should be marketed in the first half of 2012, but its advertised price of 2900 euros could be a barrier.
3) Russia has agreed to a tunnel project, in 2030, under the Bering Strait to link the Americas to Asia and Europe.
With a length of one hundred kilometers (twice longer than the Channel Tunnel), it would make the junction between the Siberian and North American rail network and allow the traveler to reach New York by train from Paris in a fortnight.
As for freight traffic, the Russian authorities predict that represent 3% of world traffic, with the added transportation energy (oil, gas and electricity).
This project is estimated at 70 billion euros, 12 billion for the tunnel and return on investment expected in fifteen years.
The idea of connecting the two continents in 1905 and Tsar Nicolas II. The project was abandoned because of World War I and the Russian Revolution.
4) In Belgium, the logistics platform Trilogiport, involving three transport modes: rail, waterway and road, will be launched in 2012/2013 Hermalle-sous-Argenteau (province of Liège).
This platform will serve as a multimodal node for the distribution of consumer products initially arrived in Antwerp or Rotterdam. With this project, the region of Liege, already recognized as one of the meccas of logistics in Europe, is expected to implement major international companies setting up their European distribution center or logistics of managing the distribution outsourcing.
The lands belonging to the port of Liège, prospective businesses will be obliged to use all three modes, for reclamation purposes.
5) The German railway operator Deutsche Bahn has announced that by 2050, all trains use electricity to operate on the federal system will be powered by renewable energy sources: wind, photovoltaic and hybrid. plan strategic plans to grow from 20% clean energy today to 35/40% in 2020, reaching 100% in 2050.
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