Transport overview No. 63
A unique overview by the Centre for Strategic Analysis - December 2012
1) In Amsterdam, the company offers a Hopper service electric scooters taxis, in partnership with the municipality and the Ministry of Environment.
A hundred two-wheelers green fluorescent less than 50 cm3 and a range of 130 km are proposed. In the Netherlands, the helmet is not required for this type of displacement, which makes it easier for drivers who do not impose the helmet to their customers, with more problem setting according of the head.
The price of a trip is 2.50 euros whatever the journey time and distance. This low price is due to the installation of four digital shelves on the "top box" for broadcast advertisements. GPS allows advertisers to see where in the course their ads were seen by passersby.
This mode of urban transportation reduces emissions and noise in the Dutch capital.
2) The Belgian WeWatt in partnership with SNCF Stations & Connections, experimenting since early December "Webike" in Paris-Montparnasse station.
Webike is the combination of a desk and a bike. It looks like a high table with seating and pedals. It allows the user to create their own energy to recharge his mobile phone, computer or tablet, while the sport before taking the train.
According WeWatt, a person can generate up to 30 watts of power while pedaling normally. A generator converts this energy can provide 220 volts at the output.
system is experienced in Paris-Montparnasse for six months. Six self-service machines located near the ticket windows are available to clients. This new service will be rolled out in other French stations if success is to go.
3) As part of the Climate Action Plan, a project has been deposited to cover part of the Paris ring with a roof of solar panels. Such a structure would have several advantages. It would:
- reduce noise affecting nearly 100,000 residents daily, according Bruitparif observatory noise in Ile-de-France;
- increase the share of renewable energies in overall energy consumption of the Parisian territory;
- and finally to fund the project through the sale of the energy produced by solar panels.
by Christine Raynard, Policy Officer at Department of Sustainable Development (DSD).