What role for Europe in the international climate negotiations? (Policy Brief 305 - November 2012)
At the Doha end of 2012 , the European Union must ally with developing countries to prepare for the signing in 2015 of a climate agreement sufficiently ambitious, especially promoting the implementation of financial and technological transfers.
- What role for Europe in the international climate negotiations?
The signing of a global agreement sufficiently effective in the fight against climate change will she come to fruition in Paris in 2015?
The bet is ambitious in developing countries (DCs) erected the fight against poverty prior to any action in favor of sustainable development, emerging countries emphasize their right to development and developed countries face a serious economic crisis . It is nevertheless essential challenge: the current efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions réaliséspar States are not sufficient to prevent serious consequences.
The European Union, which has made an instrument of climate policy community building, failed to expand the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol to the world and punishment to influence the negotiations. In 2011, in Durban, it has nevertheless managed to accept the principle of a global agreement signed in 2015, but success will be short-lived if it does not provide the means, now, to initiate the development . The Union shall establish diplomacy ambitious: we must find a compromise with the United States and China, world's major emitters of greenhouse gases, with other emerging countries whose emissions rapidly and finally with developing countries, first victims of climate change.
To achieve this, it is necessary to promote rapid implementation mechanisms for financial and technology transfers, consider the transition to a low carbon society as a new "major project" European and show that its realization can go hand in hand with economic development and the fight against poverty.
- Twenty years négociaions climate and major geopolitical developments
- Towards a new global agreement
- The European Union, the sentence in the climate negotiations
- How can the EU act?
- Authors: Dominique Auverlot and Blandine Barreau, Department of Sustainable Development .
Keywords: climate change, climate negotiations, Doha, Durban, Copenhagen, Cancun, Rio + 20, bottom up , top down , GHG, IPCC, Kyoto Protocol.