Working Paper (2013-03) - Working conditions, work organization and use of ICT as business
Relying on the Working Conditions Survey 1998 and 2005 released by the Dares, this study develops a mapping of working conditions in every occupation using the nomenclature of professional groups (87 FAP, if using the Dares acronym).
These working conditions are broken down into four dimensions: physical conditions, pollution and exposure to occupational hazards, working time conditions, work rates and space for manœuvre, emotional involvement.
Descriptive statistics are compared with existing work, mainly qualitative analysis, and set against, all things being equal, to determine the impact of the occupation on these working conditions, among other characteristics of the job. Finally, an attempt to analyze the relationship between working conditions and attractiveness of jobs is made via the indicators of ‘tensions’ on the labor market and the surveys conducted on labor demand (BMO survey).
This work is complemented by two more succinct analysis of how occupations compared, according to the use of information technology and communication technology (ICT) and the work organization.
- Keywords: working conditions; occupations; work organization; information and
communication technology.
- Authors: Tristan Klein , Project Manager "Prospective trades and qualifications", Centre for Strategic Analysis, Department Labour Employment
Kim Long , Intern, Centre for Strategic Analysis, Department Labor employment and HEC ENSAE
- N° 2013-03, March 2013