Policy briefs - Republic school facing the heterogeneity of its publics
The Centre for Strategic Analysis (CAS) has published four policy briefs formulating proposals on:
Republic school, despite its efforts, do not respond today to the logic of inclusion and success for all students. Facing the principle of equal treatment, and the need answer for specific needs, challenges are immense. The Centre for Strategic Analysis focused on four key topics of the theme "school for all".
Most French pupils feel well in school. However, the national education system is characterized by a highly competitive climate among students with low appreciation of creativity and collaboration. Also, the CAS proposes six proposals to promote the well-being of students:
- Generalize the training of all school staff on conflict management
- Implement prevention programs against harassment and cyberstalking
- Develop encouraging evaluation practices
- Systematize the achievement of collaborative work throughout the curriculum
- Value unifying projects
- Establish a resource base of good practices in development of school spaces
The process of inclusion of children with special educational needs has helped to integrate many disabled children in general education. However, progress is still needed to define the conditions of schooling and support for these children. In order to provide the best system for all children, the CAS proposes four proposals:
- Develop a tracking system of diplomas obtained by students with disabilities, knowledge and skills in relation to the common base and different modes of schooling
- Strengthen coordination between the Houses departmental Disability (MDPH) and institutions working on the personalized project of education
- Define a basis for national requirements concerning the formation of handicap for future teachers
- Promote the training of teachers and encourage schools to become specialized resource centers, also open to personal support (auxiliary school life or AVS) and families with any pedagogic, school or health concerned question.
Tutoring, whose reality remains difficult to measure, is increasingly popular among families and is supported by public structures, or commercial associations. To capture the multiplicity of devices and respond to social, cultural and territorial tutoring inequalities of tutoring, the CAS makes two proposals:
- Conclude a framework agreement between the Ministry of National Education and Civic Service Agency in order to encourage voluntary service missions in support civic education, targeting associations particularly in rural areas
- Fight against territorial inequalities while completing in each local education authority, the digital workspaces including a national system of support for students and information for parents
Autonomy effects on educational success are not univocal. In international comparison, students tend to perform better in countries where autonomy is the most developed. But econometric analyzes conducted in the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States indicate that, other things being equal, students of autonomous institutions are not better than others. However, in a French context marked by the weakness of institutional autonomy, schools would likely gain benefit from greater leeway, on three conditions:
- Emphasize autonomy related to staff management and local adaptation of the organization of teaching
- Strengthen mechanisms to evaluate schools built with the entire staff of the educational world
- Accompany the evaluation of an educational system enabling support teams in case of insufficient results