What is the impact of ICT on working conditions in the public service? (Policy Brief 318 - January 2013)
The influx of ICT (information and communication) in the public profoundly modifies the work of agents. This note analyzes their advantages and disadvantages in working conditions and offers some recommendations for achieving to reconcile improvement of working conditions, administrative modernization and respect for public service missions.
- What is the impact of ICT on working conditions in the public service?
The influx of ICT (information and communication) in the public significantly alters the working conditions of staff. However, the specific characteristics of public organizations raise the question of adaptation trades public technological developments. Indeed, the introduction of ICT is often accompanied by organizational changes (teamwork or networking, autonomy of agents, easing reporting lines) which tend to bring the public sector from the private sector. However, these specific organizational missions are added in the administration and the specific profiles of the agents themselves.
In addition, management practices and transforming the relationship between the agent and the public, e-government redefines professional identities and the manner of exercise of the profession of agents. It may well lead to significant improvements (work facilitated or enhanced, shorter time manager for the benefit of contact with the public, etc.)., And increase their job satisfaction, that, according to the quality of ICT plans , deteriorating working conditions (increased monitoring of tasks and missions, isolation at work), which could lead to some form of resistance to change.
This paper aims firstly to develop an inventory of ICT statistics, and in a second step, to analyze their advantages and disadvantages in the public service. It will propose some possible recommendations to achieve balance improved working conditions, modernization and respect of public service. These proposals are designed primarily to better support public sector workers to technological change.
- A high rate of use of ICT in the public sector organizational change that accompanies
- ICT and professional identity: Implications experienced at work, interpersonal relations and motivation
- Specific analysis of three specific segments of the public
- Balance of ICT use, improving working conditions and efficiency of public service missions
- Authors: Salima Benhamou, Florence Chilaud and Tristan Klein, Labour Employment Department.
authors wish to thank Marc-Arthur Diaye for his expertise.
Keywords: modernization of public administration, information technology and communication, working conditions for employees.