25th gathering on Globalization: The de-Westernization of the world
An increasing number of studies have found strong evidence that economic power is shifting from major industrial nations to new players. This phenomenon is observed not only in economic and financial sectors but also on a cultural and geopolitical level. The growing influence from China is especially fascinating as it deals with the "old" powers. After a period of euphoria when the Westernization of the world seemed obvious, Western countries now find themselves in a worse position especially as a result of the financial crisis and public debt. The United States no longer appears as the power "supervising the world" like they have in the past by providing security through military force, strengthening the economic system through the dollar, which has become a reserve currency, and by initiating scientific and technical progress. The European Union seeks to maintain its capacity for action and influence on the international arena but the recent crisis has weakened the Eurozone too.
Wednesday, March 7th 2012 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
CERI - Sciencs Po - Conference Room
56, rue Jacob - 75006 Paris
The fear of a global "de-Westernization", which is not new in itself, grows while Western Europe finds itself committed to the "West” to such an extent that it sometimes ignores the fact that its model is being transformed as a result of movements and influences from outside. There are numerous concerns regarding the very definition of the West, as well as its ability to link the economy with social aspects. The European Union remains a unique model of regional integration..
By mobilizing its ability to correctly create standards, will Europe establish itself as a key player in defining new regulations? As grounds for this analysis, some commentators point out that emerging countries are hesitant and divided. Yet in April 2011, Beijing and New Delhi adopted a similar line of emerging economies defense to uphold their interests. They also resisted the “Western” intervention in Libya: simply a convenient alliance or actual concerted strategy? Emerging countries seem especially driven by a dynamic and realistic vision in international relations, focusing on a pragmatic commitment for growth.
What remains of the approach that has prevailed hitherto, combining liberal beliefs and collective concerns? The organization of regional open areas based on strong poles have increasingly emerged as a viable form of structuring international relations. But, on what basis? After the affirmation of the "BRIC" (Brazil, Russia, India and China, an acronym coined in 2001 by an economist at Goldman Sachs), should the evolution of CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa, the "Next 11" (Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea) or the "TIMBI" (Turkey, India, Mexico , Brazil and Indonesia), all set in December 2011 by the American sociologist Jack A. Goldstone, be followed more closely? The concerns regarding what strategy the West should use to manage a transition between concerted power and uncontested status remain.
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- Opening by Vincent Chriqui, Director of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
With, in order of appearance:
- Jean-Michel Severino, former Director of the French Development Agency, "The challenge to the Western model? "
- Pierre Hassner, Sciences Po Research Associate & Christophe Jaffrelot, CNRS Research Director, "After the West, what is the international order? "
- Hubert Vedrine, former Foreign Minister, "From the de-Westernization to the regionalization of the world? "
- Visit chaired by: Christian Lequesne, Director of CERI
Les ressources
- L'émergence de la Chine : rapport (2011) du CAE [PDF]
- Les relations commerciales Chine/UE : rapport (2011) du think tank FRIDE [PDF]
- Analyse sur les classes moyennes des pays émergents issue du premier rapport OCDE "Perspectives de développement mondial : le basculement des richesses (2010" [PDF]
- La Chine à l'horizon 2030 selon la Banque mondiale (2012) : execuive summary [PDF]
- L'Occident devant l'Asie : le doute et la confiance [PDF]
- Les Rendez-Vous de la Mondialisation
- Les pays émergents : éléments de définition