Press Kit - Helping parents to be parents
Vincent Chriqui, Director general of the Centre d'analyse stratégique presented, Monday, 3 September 2012 to Dominique Bertinotti, Minister for Family the report of the Centre d'analyse stratégique
Services for parents pursue three objectives simultaneously separate and concurrent: promote the well-being of children, the parents and the relationship between parent / child. Few coordinated and often untapped, services to support parenting are yet to a real demand from parents.
The dual approach, historical and international report "to help parents to be parents," allows both light reflection and French showcase over 50 experiments and promising practices.
The ability to effectively meet the needs of parents as dependent on the nature of the accessibility of support programs. These two approaches are widely studied in this long-awaited report.
With this work, the CAS shows interest for the government to create services for all parents (regardless of family configuration) and all stages of child development. In this perspective, the attention to conditions facilitating access to these services is proving decisive.
Study of these actions support the Center for Strategic Analysis identifies six broad categories of "best practices" that have been presented to the Minister:
- Diversifer objectives, services and intervention methods to address the heterogeneity of needs and expectations of parents
- Articulate a general offer with another designed to meet the needs of specific audiences, to cover the entire population
- Develop assessment measures to support parenthood to highlight their impact on educational trajectories, professional and personal
- Trivialize the use of these services and mix with the public policy of ambitious and coordinated communication
- Develop programs run by parents for parents with training and coaching specific
- Facilitate access to support services in developing them in places already frequented by parents (home service early childhood institutions scolairs; health or workplace)