Seminar: Towards a renewal of urban logistics
How can we revive the idea of sustainable freight transportation in the city? What are the research and innovations contributions in this area? What are the issues and the drivers for improving operations of urban logistics?
Centre d'analyse stratégique organized a closed seminar :
Towards a renewal of urban logistics
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Centre d'analyse stratégique
18 rue de Martignac - 75007 Paris
City logistics is defined as the art to control the flow of goods entering, leaving and circulating in the city in the best conditions. In most French cities, urban freight accounts for on average 20% of the traffic, 30% the road occupancy and 30% of emissions of greenhouse gases, and this transportation has to coexist with the movement of people.
Early work in this area dates from 1970, but over the past fifteen years, the organization of this sector’s knowledge has improved significantly, innovations have been developed and local governments are increasingly interested in this problem. Yet, this sector is still poorly known. They often have difficulties being integrated in urban transport plans and lack simple and inexpensive solutions that meet as many needs as possible.
After an update on the status of research and knowledge on urban logistics, the issue concerning challenges and solutions to implement will be discussed.
8:45 a.m. - Welcome
Moderator: Isabelle Dussutour, Director ITS Britain
9:00 a.m. - Opening by Pierre-Francois Mourier, Deputy Director Centre d'analyse stratégique
09:15 a.m. - Panel 1: Status of research and knowledge in the field of urban logistics: changes noticed, the expected direction, the situation of research in France compared to its neighboring countries ...
- Jean-Louis Routhier, Research Engineer, Laboratory of Transport Economics - "Research in urban logistics in midstream"
- Loïc Delaitre, Assistant Professor at the Ecole des Mines de Paris and Chairman of the Chair on City Logistics (HORNET): "Contribution to the original research: the pulpit FRELON"
- Fabien Seraidarian, Senior Manager, Mazars and Research Associate, Centre of Competence in Research in Economics and Management of the Polytechnic: "The conditions for the exercise of urban logistics: from outsourcing to a partnership approach"
- Petronilla Rème-Harnay, Research Unit, Splott, IFSTTAR: "The logic of outsourcing urban"
Discussion with the audience
10:45 a.m. - Break
11:00 a.m. - Panel 2: Challenges for the future and possible solutions (technological, organizational, etc..) in the field of urban logistics: examples of innovations and reflections on urban logistics.
- Michel Dubromel, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Manager Vice President, France Nature Environment: "Changing the urban transportation plans to meet the challenges of a sustainable urban logistics"
- Olivier Maurel, President of the Task Group on the Carriage of Goods Program Research & innovation in land transport (PREDIT) and Chairman of the cluster nov@Log: "City logistics and the Digital Economy: complementarity and antagonism "
- Daniele Patier, Research Associate, Laboratory of Transport Economics: "What are the dynamics that help untie problems and meet the new challenges of urban logistics?"
- Philippe Lachaize, Director, PwC Consulting: "The electric urban distribution center"
Discussion with the audience
12:45 p.m.: Conclusion: John Paul Ourliac, President of the Section Economy and Transport - MEDDTL / CGEDD
- For more information:
Christine Raynard, Policy Officer Sustainable Development Department
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 63 19,
- Press Contacts:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 75 61 37,