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Seminars on Urban Policy - Lessons from the international experience

Seminars on Urban Policy - Lessons from the international experience


The Economic Policy Planning and the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers are pleased to invite you to the 3 seminars :

Area-Based Urban policies.
French perspectives and international insights

Seminar 3 : Lessons from the international experience

Friday, May 31th 2013
at the Economic Policy Planning
18, rue de Martignac – 75007 Paris


Between the urban and the social, between places and people, between  ascending or descending approaches, area-based urban policy has often fluctuated. Which contours have been given in France and abroad? This is the question that the Economic Politcy Planning for French Prime Minister and the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (master "Territories") suggest to focus, debating on the contributions of the recent report of the CAS - Area-Based Urban policies. French perspectives and international insights, which was published in the French Documentation in December 2012.

Comparison with the public policies abroad - Germany, USA, Netherlands, United Kingdom - illuminates debates hexagonal and identifies strategic orientations facing the spatial concentration of poverty. Thus, in France, the policies since the early 2000s have mostly focused on transforming the city to promote social diversity of the territories called 'disadvantaged', particularly through the National Urban Renewal Programme launched in 2003.
Abroad, however, other options could be used: for example in Germany, where the program "Social City" instead aimed to develop the areas concerned, in terms of urban, economic and social, in s' Based on their inherent potential and without trying to change their sociological composition, or the United States, where the Obama administration has sought to transform these areas into neighborhoods of choice and opportunity.

While urban policy is profiling, the authors of this report present their analysis and submit to the debate at three seminars open to the general public (students, researchers, actors).

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  • 9: 30: Welcome and presentation of the seminar

Chauffaut Delphine, Head of the Social Department - Economic Policy Planning for the Prime Minister of France

  • 10am: Synthesis about foreign contributions

Noémie Houard, Policy Officer, Department of Social Affairs, Economic Policy Planning for the Prime Minister of France

  • 11:15: Urban policy variations

Julien Damon, Associate Professor at Sciences Po, Scientific Advisor at the Economic Policy Planning for the Prime Minister of France

  • 12:30: Lunch
  • 14:30: Urban policy here and elsewhere: the temptation to end with an interminable issue

Kirszbaum Thomas, Associate Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences Policy, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan

  • 15:30: Closing of the seminar

Yves Dauge, Senator honorary advisor of the UNESCO World Heritage


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