When the consultation opens on the next stage of the policy of the city, the Strategic Analysis Centre wished to contribute to public debate and government thinking. beyond the balance sheet that presents the NERP the national urban renewal program launched in 2003, this report for other national contexts, which sheds new light on our discussion hex.
All contributions of this work is indeed enrich international perspective. The last part is devoted to the same systematic study of urban policies in four countries - Germany, the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom - which are distinguished by their history, their social protection their mode of articulation between public and private spheres, and the nature of the relationship between their local and national levels.
On one context to another, the answers vary. None is free of adverse effects, none escape the difficulties of implementation. The finding is nonetheless the same everywhere: the bottom-up policies and participatory approaches to improve relations between residents and local stakeholders. They, the people, especially by reducing the feelings of insecurity and improving the perceived quality of life.
Hence the first conclusion of pages that will read: to improve efficiency, the policy of the city must adopt a resolutely bottom-up decision-making, participatory and locally based. Then, emphasizing the importance of representations, this report calls for correct look and consider areas not as well as problems but resource deposits. Finally, in terms of purpose, a shift occurs, the ideal of social diversity giving way to efforts to promote the social and residential mobility of the population.
To move in this direction, we must still build or improve the tools of observation. Despite progress in the knowledge of territories, through the National Observatory of Sensitive Urban Zones, it is difficult today to understand the path of people and identify underlying mechanisms producing inequality, discrimination and exclusion. With such instruments, the policy of the city can serve as a spur to sectoral policies - urban, economic and social - to ensure their adaptation to the needs of neighborhoods and residents. These areas can then play out a function lock, or a springboard for households who live there.
This report is clearly a continuation of the work of the Strategic Analysis Centre in recent years. Our analyzes on the topic of segregation - can we talk of "ghettos" French? - On the famous "neighborhood effects" that will determine whether or not individual behavior, or the participation of residents, already sketched these strategic directions.
- Participants: Gideon Bolt, Marion Carrel, Damon, Davezies Laurent, Jacques Donzelot Renaud Epstein, Philip Estèbe, Kirszbaum Thomas, Christine Lelévrier, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit, Susan J. Popkin, Brett Theodos, Rebecca Tunstall, Ronald van Kempen, Agnes van Zanten, Ralf Zimmer-Hegmann
- Work coordinated by Noémie Houard, Policy Officer, Department of Socia
Les ressources
- Area-Based Urban Policies (Policy Brief 309 - December 2012)
- Study - Urban Policy, the American experience
- Conference Proceedings: The "neighborhood effects" on urban policy
- Symposium - Area-Based Urban policies. French perspectives and international insights
- Of "neighborhood effects" on urban policy - International Perspectives (Policy Brief 249 - November 2011)
- The participation of residents: three ways to renovate the city policy (Policy Brief 278 - September 2012)