Spatial ambition for Europe (Policy Brief 244 - October 2011)
The beginnings of the space adventure has been marked by strategic concerns related to the specific context of the Cold War.
- Spatial ambition for Europe. French vision for 2030
If the reasons for developing a space capability today have evolved, the relationship between spatial skills on the one hand, sovereignty and will of the international presence, on the other hand, remains strong. Despite its organizational weaknesses and the lack of a clearly identified and supranational interest sufficient consensus, however, Europe has real advantages in this area. She has developed skills and industry point to establish the European Space Agency (ESA), whose successes are recognized, and create an original model based on the primacy of civilian activities.
The institutional evolution due to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon is a great opportunity to give new impetus to the European space policy, it is now up to the European Union (EU) set. It could adopt the following objectives to meet the needs of its citizens, to contribute to the defense and European security, to advance scientific knowledge, to participate fully in the search for life in the universe and the human adventure that is the exploration of the solar system, and to promote competitiveness through an industrial policy geared toward the development of European technology, in particular critical technologies.
- The Lisbon Treaty, an opportunity for the revival of a European space policy
- The objectives of a European space policy
- The conditions of a European space policy
- Authors: Emmanuel Sartorius, CGIET. Dominique Auverlot and Joel Hamelin, sustainable development department. With the collaboration for the analysis of Isabelle Sourbes-Verger, center Alexandre Koyré, CNRS and Xavier Pasco, FRS
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