The water issues (Policy Briefs 326-327 and 328 - April 2013)
The water management today faces many challenges both in France and abroad. In France, where the priority of the last century was primarily to supply water to the entire population through the construction of a network infrastructure performance, the twenty-first century will protect the resource quality and quantity in a contexe of climate change .
- For sustainable management of water in France
Part 1: What expenditure rationalization for policy actors of the water? (Note Analysis 326)
If the priority of the last century was primarily to supply water to the entire population through the construction of a network infrastructure performance, the twenty-first century will be to protect the resource quality and quantity in a climate change. Faced with this new situation, an adaptation of water policy is essential, involving extensive rationalization of spending on resource management.
- Keywords: water pollution, quality, sanitation, agriculture, local government, budget, environment.
- For sustainable management of water in France
Part 2: How to improve the sustainability of water pricing for households?
The increase in management costs, integration costs of new poles, and the continued decline in water consumption tends to question the sustainability of the current system of charging for household water. A change in pricing is therefore necessary to reconcile the best economic and environmental efficiency and social equity.
- Keywords: water pricing, sustainability, vulnerability, household consumption, environment, equity, cost coverage.
- For sustainable management of water in France
Part 3: Strategic Risk Management Quantitative water in France and the prospects for adaptation to 2030
In 2030, despite the impact of climate change, France is not expected overall structural break in its balance needs major / water resources. However, strong local variations are to be expected, some areas undergoing higher voltages on the resource. A number of structural measures are to commit now to cope.
- Keywords: water, adaptation consumption, climate change, environment, agriculture, local.
- Author: Clelia Godot, Sustainable Development Department
Les ressources
- The food challenge in Africa in terms of its water resources (Policy Brief 329 - April 2013)
- What role for Europe in the international climate negotiations? (Policy Brief 305 - November 2012)
- Where are the international climate negotiations heading to? (Report - November 2012)