The "call for projects" application for employment policies (Policy Briefs 256 - December 2011)
20/12/11While OECD countries are facing increasing challenges to implement efficient employment policies, calls for projects have good potential to renew the modes of public action. (...)
read moreWhich forms of health care provision in France in twenty years? Health challenges are many: increased chronic diseases, aging population, changing demographics medical, etc.. In (...)
read moreWhich forms of health care provision in France in twenty years? Health challenges are many: increased chronic diseases, aging population, changing demographics medical, etc.. In (...)
read moreThe print media is facing the past ten years to a crisis that forces him to rethink its industrial and economic model . If the magazines and weekly news have managed to preserve (...)
read moreThe Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997 establishes a regulatory framework for cooperation in the fight against climate change and reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. (...)
read moreThe international climate agreement does make sense if they are supported by the United States, the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gas (GHG) per capita. But this country (...)
read moreBy 2020, nearly 100 billion dollars a year that developed countries have pledged to finance action against climate change in developing countries (DCs). Given the current (...)
read moreIn the United States and Western Europe, research on "neighborhood effects" are booming since the mid-1990s. (...)
read moreThe twenty-first century will he that of an industrial revolution - even living - driven by nanotechnology? From advances in knowledge of the matter at the scale of a billionth (...)
read moreThe development times are critical to the articulation of professional life and private life. Today, they often boil down to part-time, which can influence the career paths of (...)
read moreThe role of biodiversity in the functioning of the natural balance and the ability of ecosystems to deliver services of interest to man is not well identified by the general (...)
read moreTo meet the preference of households in a context of fiscal constraints, France has decided, like many other European countries, to develop home support for seniors. (...)
read moreThe beginnings of the space adventure has been marked by strategic concerns related to the specific context of the Cold War. (...)
read moreThe TGV high speed train, is undoubtedly one of the most successful French technology. Holder of world speed record, it carries daily, for over thirty years, a large number of (...)
read moreThe European railways are gradually opening up to competition under the leadership of the European Commission : the transport of goods has been open since 2007, the (...)
read moreIn 2010, 32% of French people over 18 years were engaged in voluntary work in sports, humanitarian, economic, ecological, cultural or social. (...)
read moreThe interview assessment (EIA) is now the cornerstone of the policy of human resources (HR) of many companies. (...)
read moreSince 2005, nearly a dozen legal provisions were created to bring business and professional sectors to negotiate on multiple issues (management of jobs and skills, profit sharing (...)
read moreThe crisis and its impact on the conduct of monetary policy ... (Policy Brief 238 - September 2011)
12/09/11The crisis and its repercussions on the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies (Policy Brief 238 - September 2011) The financial crisis triggered in 2007 has deeply transformed (...)
read moreBusiness angels and venture capital in France: tax issues (Policy Brief 237 - September 2011)
12/09/11Administrative barriers to business creation were much flatter in France in recent years. For this policy to full fruition in innovation, quality of funding is crucial. (...)
read moreEuropean economic governance : What indicators should be used to prevent imbalances and reinforce convergence? The crisis has revealed that even countries whose public finances (...)
read more"Investment for the Future" and industrial policy in Europe (Policy Brief 236 - Sept. 2011)
12/09/11"Investment for the Future" and industrial policy in Europe: the targeting and selection of innovative projects whichLaunched in 2010, the future investment program marks the (...)
read moreThe proportion of French people going on holiday at least once a year (defined as a displacement of approval of four nights) is above the European average. (...)
read moreEvery decision involves some uncertainty and involves risk taking, both individual and collective level. Prevention and risk management in recent years and are the major themes (...)
read moreFor four decades, a body of research in the field of education was able to confirm the intuition of many parents: the progress of their children depend significantly on the talent (...)
read moreSince the 1970s, labor and employment have undergone profound changes in France: the surge in service employment, female employment of executives and middle management, (...)
read moreWith 4.5 million units, public housing French is one of the largest in Europe. However, some believe that the overall production of housing is inadequate and inappropriate to the (...)
read moreIn many parts of the world, the management of loss of autonomy is at the heart of the reforms. Commissioned by the Prime Minister, the report from which the present position (...)
read moreIn twenty years, support for job-seekers has become central to the action of public employment services in Europe. Beyond their specific national and the still evolving models, (...)
read moreIn a tense situation between the prospect of climate change and rising geopolitical pressures on oil resources, the electric vehicle can appear as a promising solution. (...)
read moreSexuality of young (15-25 years) is a major issue of public policy on health plans so that educational. These include preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually(STIs). (...)
read moreAnimal cloning (Policy Brief 225)
27/05/11In August 2010, the UK Department for Food Safety announced that meat from cloned offspring of a cow in the United States had built the food chain in the UK. This revelation (...)
read morePolicy Brief 224 - Employment and unemployment among young people: a comparative and retrospective
13/05/11The youth labor market in international comparison Long-term trends for young people in France: population decline, remain in education and lower employment rates Beyond the (...)
read morePolicy Brief 223 - The European Digital Agenda (May 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 222 - Offshore financial centers and banking system "ghost" (May 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 221 - The evolution of house prices in France over 25 years (April 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 220 - The inclusion of ethnic and cultural public action, a comparative approach (April 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 219 - "Cross-curricular competencies" and "transferable skills": skills that facilitate professional mobility (April 2011) (...)
read moreThe digital divide in France (April 2011) * (...)
read moreHow to encourage as many to participate in sport or physical activity? (April 2011) (...)
read more" Nudges green ": new incentives for green behavior (March 2011) (...)
read moreUnconventional gas: a North American energy revolution not without consequences for Europe (March 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 214 - Trend of public employment: where are we? (February 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 213 - From Kyoto to Durban: the invention of a new cooperation climate (February 2011)
03/02/11Kyoto in Durban: the invention of a new cooperation climate (February 2011) (...)
read moreFor sustainable consumption policy in France (January 2011) * (...)
read morePolicy Brief 211 - Missions and challenges of unemployment insurance: a perspective on international
14/01/11Missions and challenges of unemployment insurance: a perspective International (January 2011) (...)
read moreEmployee participation and social performance: new challenges for French companies in a context of crisis (January 2011) (...)
read morePolicy Brief 209 - Financial Reform Basel III: progress and future challenges (January 2011)
05/01/11Financial reform Basel III: progress and future challenges (...)
read moreBusiness and innovation - Public support for R & D: better assess and coordinate to improve their effectiveness (...)
read morePrice volatility of raw materials - Part 2. agricultural products: limit volatility or mitigate its effects? (...)
read morePrice volatility of raw materials - Part 1. For financial market regulation (...)
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